Greg Combet email
My Future and the Future of the Rights at Work Campaign
I'm writing to let you know that I have decided to stand as a candidate for the ALP at this year's federal election. I will however remain as ACTU secretary until I am, hopefully, elected to Parliament.
For years now I've had one goal driving me: fighting the Howard Government's sustained attacks on working Australians. Most recently, this has been alongside the unions, community groups, and supporters that joined together to form the Rights at Work campaign.
Our campaign's primary, critical focus is getting rid of the industrial relations laws by maximizing the vote against the Government at the polls. We must win the election this year.
I believe it is my responsibility to contribute as best I can to achieving this goal. Running as a Labor candidate on Kevin Rudd's team would help show voters what I know to be true: that the ALP is serious about making workplaces fair.
The defeat of the Howard Government this year is crucial, not just for working Australians and their families, but for future generations.
We started this campaign with massive challenges. Now look where we are. Our unprecedented television advertising, funded by the generosity of union members and our supporters. The record number of people at our rallies. Our activities in workplaces and the community. Look at the 170,000 people on the Rights at Work email list, taking action, sharing ideas, and supporting those affected by the laws. With your hard work, we have helped shape national debate and changed public opinion.
The Rights at Work campaign is perhaps the most successful community campaign this country has ever seen. We have already achieved this together. But it must continue.
The Rights at Work campaign will maintain growth and intensity in the lead up to the election. It has always been, and will always be, bigger than one person and bigger than one organisation. The campaign is based on union and community strength; on a shared belief in fairness and democracy in our great country, and an overwhelming desire to keep our rights at work safe for our kids.Working as ACTU Secretary has allowed me to go into battle every day for what I care about: standing up for the rights and opportunities of working people. This is what I have done my whole working life. It is what I will continue to fight for as I assume my new role as a candidate, and later, if all goes well, as a Parliamentarian. I will miss this role, and the people I work alongside, very much. However, it my belief that every conceivable effort must be made to win this critical election and get these blatantly biased and unfair laws overturned.
You will probably have a lot of questions. Please email us with any questions or feedback. I won't be able to answer them personally, but over the coming months I will be working hard to ensure our campaign continues running smoothly and gathering pace towards the election later this year.
Thank you for all your support, and for your ongoing hard work on the campaign.
Many thanks,
Greg Combet
ACTU Secretary